Welcome to my new website  

Welcome to my new website

 Welcome to my Exhibitions site.

The idea of this site is to give you as nearly as I can the experience of a visit to a show of my pictures. Paintings and drawings have been hung on walls and a cutout of me will give you a good idea of their size (I am about 6 ft or 1840cm tall).


Pictures from my old webste have been preserved in the 'Archive'; from these you will see that I started out as a landscape and portrait painter, and have moved more towards invented painting as time has passed. My pictures are based on sketches and memories and are reinventions of reality. I tend not to use photographic images, but rely on my memory for how things look.

The pictures are for sale: please call me on 01736 369 613 to arrange payment and carriage!

Press the arrow next to 'EXHIBITION THIS WAY' and I hope you enjoy the show.

Current Exhibition This Way The Old Drove Track Fig Flatterty Go to Exhibition Being About me...

New Paintings

Follow along to find pictures in the Works on Paper Fair